Installations- idea landscape
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Landscape Installation

We provide both hardscape and softscape installations. Our hardscape installations include precast and natural stonework and interlocking. Our softscape installations include everything from flower beds, perennials, and shrubs to large caliper trees. Add some colour and life to your property and enjoy the many benefits that plants and trees provide.

Stone Work Before/ After

Irrigation and Lighting

We install residential automatic irrigation systems and landscape lighting.


The best way to maintain the health of your plants is ensuring sufficient soil moisture is available at all times. Even the most diligent gardeners will not outperform an automatic irrigation system. Contact us today to discuss the best watering options for your property and show your friends and neighbours the grass is greener on your side.

Extend the great look of your landscape beyond daylight hours with landscape lighting. Landscape lighting can show off your landscape and create an ambiance after the sun has set.

Our Services


We plant everything from flower beds, perennials, shrubs to large caliper trees. Add some colour and life to your property and enjoy the many benefits that plants and trees provide. Call us today for more information.

Quality Materials & Work

In keeping with our commitment to building landscape impressions that last, we use quality materials and craftsmanship.

Stone Work

Including interlocking walkways and driveways, natural stone, flag stone walkways and retaining walls.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“We love your work and attention to detail, especially how our lawn and shrubs are trimmed and edged.”

Get In Touch




Monday-Friday:  8am - 5.30pm

Sprinkler Installation Special from $3,495
Book before June 30, 2023 and save $500
  • Up to a 2,000 sq foot area
  • Up to 4 zones
  • System timer
  • Automatic irrigation controller
  • Wifi control from your smart phone available*
System includes the following
*Additional charges apply

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